Agility at the service of all, without limit.
Here I am committing a new liberating act, the pleasure of giving up to make room for my new life!
I am releasing a large number of my companions, who have helped me grow. It is with great pleasure that I pass them on, without difficulty, because all these books deserve to continue their life and once again please other traveling companions ;)
lots of 5 books for 30€, ie for the price of a book
Here you will find many great classics (see some collectors) of agility, lean start up, lean thinking, coaching, change management, contemporary management, educational fun, personal efficiency vitamins, etc. etc ...
Treat yourself :)
The income from this sale will go to support AWNB.ORG projects. To make my life easier, the purchase is made through the right place which manages shipping quite well. Click on the photos to be redirected.
"Le patron qui ne veut plus être chef", Alexandre Gérard
"La stratégie du dauphin : les idées gagnantes du 21è siècle", Dudley Winch, Paul L. Kordis
"Happy RH : le bonheur au travail rentable et durable", Laurence Vanhée
"Plaidoyer pour une autre entreprise", Eric Delannoy, Didier Rousseau
En anglais
"The mindful leader : awakening your natrural management skills, through mindfulness meditation", Michael Carrol
"Management by Consciousness",Revised and Enlarged Edition, Dr G.P. Gupta, M.S. Srinivasan
"Smart Leadership", Ken Blanchard
"Leaders and Motivation : the fifty-fifty rule and the eight key principles of motivating others", Johan Adair
"Winners never cheat", Jon M. Huntsman
"The Present" : the secret to enjoying your work and life, now !", Spencer John (Author of "Who moved my cheese"
"Eat That Frog ! : 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more done in Less Time", Brian Tracy, 2d Edition
"Conscious Business : how to build value through values", Fred Kofman, Foreword by Peter Senge and Ken Wilber
"What Matters Now : how to win in a world of relentless change, ferocious competition and unstoppable innovation", Gary Hamel
"Employees First, Curstomer Second : turning conventional management upside down", Vineet Nayar
"Blue Ocean Strategy : how to creat unconstested market space and make the competition irrelevant", W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne
"Conscious Capitalism :liberating the heroic spirit of business", John Mackey "Co-CEO Whole Foods Marker, Raj Sisodia
"L'innovation JUGAAD : redevenons ingénieux", Navi Radjou
"The little black book of innovation : how it works, how to do it", Scott D. Anthony
"Influencer : the power to change anything", Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron Mc Milla, Al Swizler
"Dealing with Darwin : how great companies innovate at every phase of their evolution", Geoffrey A. Moore
"CATS : the nine lives of innovation", Stephen C. Lundin (bestsellling coauthor of "FISH!")
Pack "Presentations"
En Français
"Présentation Zen : pour des présentations plus simples, claires et percutantes", Garr Reynolds
"Convaincre en moins de 2 minutes", Nicholas Boothman
En Anglais
"Slide:olgy : the art and science of creating great presentations", nancy Duarte
"The Art Social Media", Guy Kawasaki
"Presenting to Win : the Art fo Telling Your Story", Jerry Weissman
"Sucessful Presentation Skills", Andrew Bardbury
"Agile Planning and Estimating", Mike Cohn"
Becoming Agile in an imperfect world", Greg Smith, Ahmed Sidky
"Agile Software Development with Distributed Teams", Jutta Eckstein
"Agile and Iterative Development : a manager's guide", Craig Larman
"Agile Portfolio Management", Jochen Krebs
Pack "Daniel GOLEMAN"- Lot 7 livres
En Français
"L'intelligence émotionnelle" Tomes 1 et 2
En Anglais
"The New Leaders : transforming the art of leadership into the science of results"
"Working with Emotional Intelligence"
"Emotional Intelligence 2.0"
"Social Intelligence : beyond emotional intelligence"
"Ecological Intelligence : how knowing the hidden impact of waht we buy can change everything"
Spécial "Méditation, Pleine Conscience"
Pack 5 livres "Méditation" : Christophe André, Matthieu Ricard, John Kabat-Zinn
"Sérénité : 25 histoires d'équilibre intérieur" - Christophe André
"100 expériences de pleine conscience" - Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn
"3 amis en quête de sagesse", C. André, A. Jollien, M. Ricard
"L'art de la méditation", Matthieu Ricard
"Méditer avec petit bambou"
Pack 5 livres + CDs "Méditation"
"Méditer : 108 leçons de pleine conscience" Jon Kabat-Zinn, avec CD de 12 méditations guidées par Bernard Giraudeau
"Manuel de Mindfulness", Laurence Bibas - Livre + CD
"Comment la méditation a changé ma vie ... et pourrait bien changer la vôtre !", Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
"Mon cours de relaxation : méthode complète de sophrologie pratique", Carole Serrat (livre uniquement)
"Techniques de visualisation créatrice", Shakti Gawain